Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Raising Castles

She slips into the evening with slight regard to the cooling air rolling off the sun's last sigh. The painted sky goes black hosting the family of stars that part whispering lights that seem to speak legends to her in silence. She's alone, but in good company. Curled on the sand with nothing but a wall of ancient stone behind her guarding her past, she looks head on into the blanket of darkened sea. Lost in thought as the folds of black waves crest into the moonlit white crashing to land as if a gentle giant pleading for her affection. But she was only drowned in her daydreams of the night. She rests her head to her knee and studies the prints in the sand. Forming stories from the indentions of relationships come and gone. Were they foretelling of her own imprint to give? Would she draw lines in the sand for the celestial bodies to conjure into lore? Would she go to the north or the south on this shore? Or will it be into the ocean to see what lies beyond all this, if there is something untold she could adore? The mystery weighted like a shadow pressing the light. She bit her lip in anticipation, as the thought grew to a move. She knew to find out where she would go, she had to take a foot forward, and discover what she had never known.