Sunday, December 19, 2010


The wind gave way to the lonely figure set against the moon. She felt it dance around her ankles like little secrets born just to touch and teach her to feel. She harmonized light with darkness making sense of all she knew, only to leave its weight at the bottom of the ocean that crashed like a wailing memory below her feet. As the waves resounded into a hush and she felt only herself against the past; she felt the grass underneath her palm, how soft it was, comforting, befriending. If only it had eyes to look up at her and feel the need small innocence would feel. She would love this patch of grass like the universe loved infinity. She pushed back the quivers and shakes, she was much too big for that now. She imagined her release, if she were able to step onto thin air and walk on that imaginary stairway that led to endless stretches of existence. Would she then find what it was she was missing? Then, she heard a sound that was reminisce to the songs of rain. The horizons drew in colors that were foreign to observance in both legend and lore. They spread carefully, and confidently on her chest they lay. As if they had ordained her with a new light, for the first time she knew that life has never been a waste, everything was for this moment. Mistakes were but a soliloquy in the making of understanding, that all she had to do was let go, and let herself be. Then she felt the sun resonate with the vibrations of her skin, and press against her soul. Lifting slightly she closed her eyes and found a new world for a new her, there she would start legend and end as the one the world would need.